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I have just bought a Chromecast with Google TV

I have just bought a Chromecast with Google TV

I have a KD-43XG8096 TV and I love the picture quality on this set, but I am disappointed at how far behind the software is - we have only just received Android 9! I decided to give the new Chromecast a try so that I could compare them back-to-back. (I have another reason for buying it in that I have a Sony HT-X8500 soundbar and I am limited in the amount of content with Dolby Atmos I can enjoy as my TV does not support eARC. I have plugged the new Chromecast into the second HDMI socket in the soundbar.)


I am very pleased with my purchase. The new interface is a massive improvement and the way it aggregates content from all of your subscribed services is a huge help. The software learns your preferences and looks for content that it thinks you will enjoy. It has suggested several movies I want to watch that I hadn't spotted on Netflix or Amazon Prime. Another plus for me is I am enjoying football matches on BT Sport Ultimate with Dolby Atmos.


Since installing the new Chromecast with Google TV, I don't bother with the inferior built-in Android TV.


I bought it directly from Google with their current offer that bundles in six months of Netflix, so the Chromecast has cost me less than £35. Bargain!


looks like you can try it on Sony TV's via sideload - haven't tried it myself but will hopefully do over Xmas sometime with a  secondary launcher



Please let me know what you think

Also, your TV supports Atmos from streaming services like Netflix and Prime Video over ARC as of Android TV 9. Disney+ doesn't yet support Atmos for the Android platform.

Thanks, Kuschelmonschter. I have seen some of your other posts on this forum and learnt that Atmos isn't an audio stream in its own right, but metadata attached to an audio stream, such as Dolby Digital Plus.


Netflix has been working fine for me. Unfortunately, Amazon doesn't advertise its Atmos content and it is almost as rare as unicorn eggs on its service. (I have found a few programmes including Jack Ryan and Carnival Row, but I have to start playing the content and then see if the Atmos light comes on.)


You are also right that Disney+ isn't working right yet. Hopefully that will be fixed soon to the benefit of everyone with Android/Google TV.


The biggest benefit with my new Chromecast is the aggregation. It is so useful to search for a title and it finds it for you on the different services. In some cases, it gives you a choice of where you can watch it. I hope this feature is soon made available to all Sony Android TVs.

Am curious on how good the aggregation is. On a roku you can voice search
for a film but it doesn't know across all apps if you're subscribed or
already have a film in your library eg iTunes digital copy or ultraviolet
copy in Google play so it can present paid choices when you've already got
"free" access

Is the chromecast TV better on that respect?

Yes, it is.


I am finding that it searches Google Play Movies, Amazon Prime Video, Netflix and Disney+. I also have Rakuten, but it doesn't seem to see the content I have purchased there.


I searched for the movie "Oblivion" and it gave me three "ways to watch." I own the movie on GPM so it gave that as the first option and then offered two other streaming options.

I tried the Google TC look and feel on my XF via sideload and adding the home launcher.  It was interesting to see and play around but the manage services functionality doesn't work via sideload, and it didn't pick up my netflix subscription so was only suggesting disney, prime and google content (and the odd TV show).  I couldn't find a way of updating that outside of Android TV.  I've spent too much on various streaming sticks and devices over the last few years but am thinking I'll get a Google TV chromecast for one or more of our older TVs at some point as I'm assuming it does wake the TV (like chromecast) and can therefore turn on and turn off the TV via voice on google nest /smart clock etc.