
WF-1000XM4 Replacement Ear Tips - URGENT Sony Product Management Attention Required!

Hello, I have a very disappointing story to tell regarding my recent interactions with Sony Support about obtaining replacement ear tips for the excellent WF-1000XM4 earphones. The official Sony replacement tips (EP-NI1000S/EP-NI1000M/EP-NI1000L) are seemingly impossible to source in the UK, not available on the Sony website or through Amazon. Sony Support recommended that I purchase them from a company called EET Europarts Ltd, and they are indeed available on their website ( - however this company is a distributor which does not sell to end consumers. Sony Support suggested that I ask EET for a retailer who could provide them (?!?).


What makes this even more disappointing is that in my version of the instruction manual provided with the XM4s (purchased in Japan), Sony even state that the eartips are 'consumable products' designed to be replaced when necessary, and which I find to be frequently needed. If this is the case Sony, then why are they impossible to source? I have always considered the XM4 to be a 5* set of earphones but if this continues it is a serious drawback to the many of us who know and love this product.


Could you therefore please provide an adequate management response to this issue? Thank you!

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