
TV Keeps coming back on

I have got a new Youview box from TalkTalk and decided to set it up myself and have managed to do it but wonder if I have done something wrong somewhere as now when I turn the TV off it turns back on after a while.I went out last night at 6.00pn when I got home at 9.00pm the TV was on and again this morning.I have three units DVD Player Humax Set Top Box and the Youview box.I have now got everything working just one query.The Youview box is connected to the TV With a HDMI lead and the Humax and the DVD player are connected to the TV with a three way HDMI HUB.On the TV input the youview is HDMI 1 and the Humax and the DVD player are HDMI 2.Not sure why but if I am using the Youview on HDMI 1 and turn the TV off it comes back on again after a while by it's self can someone explain why that would happen.

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