
KD-55X8508​​ Mission Impossible: Channel Adjustment

Decided after almost one month of ownship to use internal satellite Receiver.

Went disapointed when the only satellite visible in settings was ASTRA 19.2. There was no way to choose another. Selection was fade. Mysatellite dish aims Hotbird and I could not choose.

Anyway I called Sony support, they were again very polite and helpful and at the begining it seemed that they also had the same problem on their television with ASTRA displayed and no choise possible.

After almost ten minutes of doing all suggestions on setting we managed to solve "problem" by starting Search on ASTRA which Magically after 10 seconds and after finding about 15 packets, changed automatically name to HOTBIRD and everything went fine until finished search. About 2100 channels.

The problem that appeared afterwards was CHANNEL ADJUSTMENT. I new that it was very difficult even for DVB-T channels after latest firmware Update, but they were very few, almost 25, and I didn't mind. But here on Hotbird there are 2100 channels. Everything DOES NOT work ok. Moving Up or Down arrows needs almost three seconds from channel to channel selection. Even if you choose one e.g. at 1500 and want to place at 100, although you "have the ability" to type number(here 100), it DOES NOT go to 100. It goes wherever it likes(1000. 2000, 3000...). The only way to go close to 100 is pressing zeros but this also does not work all times. If you manage to move channel to 100 then press left arrow to store, it DOESN'T or takes ages to do.

Then the problem that other people here have mentioned is index loss. Next day you find channels back to initial placement after search.

Hope next firmware will solve. Adjustment is VERY POOR and extremely SLOW. No channel preview, no chanell change name, no NOTHING. Even a 30 euros receiver has excellent Adjustments.

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