Who Me Too'd this topic


Thankyou SONY

I know I will be standing alone here, but in all seriousness Thankyou SONY.


The problem wasn't of your making, it happened on late Friday/Saturday when all decent Tech people are still in bed and yet some posters think that YOU are responsible, should have foreseen it and should be made to pay. I am glad to say that I am not in that number.


As I understand it the problem occurred in a 3rd party software conflicting with the SONY's own programming. Who could foresee that?


The worst that could have happened as a consumer is that a few programs did not record. SO WHAT? Its not the end of the world. No one has died. No fluffy kittens were harmed.




If you chose to purchase a new recorder without checking with a SONY repair agent if it could get fixed (as I was going to do today) then whose fault is that?


Get over it and move on.


A happy SONY user not connected with the company in any other way.

Who Me Too'd this topic