PCV-RZ324 - Media Center Edition upgrade?


PCV-RZ324 - Media Center Edition upgrade?

From what I can see, the PCV-RZ324 which I bought less than three months ago has all the hallmark characteristics of a Media Center PC without the new Microsoft OS software. I know some manufacturers are offering free upgrades, will Sony? If not, what's the likelihood of MCE being made available as an upgrade to current WinXP users whose machines, like the PCV-RZ324, fit the specs requirements for the new version of the OS?

And if I were to install MCE, are there any things that would go obviously, horribly wrong in terms of hardware and other compatibilities?



I said no. And for good reason I think.
From what I know, Media Centre is very very picky in regards to what hardware and software it will work with. I can udnerstand this as I at one point had my PC working as a media centre and had many problems with sound cards and stuff like that.
By only shipping the OS with a new and certified PC, MS can ensure that everything will work as it is supposed to and also ensure that it can't be criticised for not working on all PCs.
I think it's actually a good idea, although it is annoying as I'd love to try it out


... I'm going a little far...
Any kind of Microsoft "so-called" software should be available just separately. And the system itself should have been provided with a normal (working, reliable, etc.) operating system, for example with an own linux distribution. And Sony should keep it's products quality high and doesn't let them slip down because of 3rd parties limited reliability and quality...


Touchy subject there. Mind you , MS have canned Media Centre Edition it would seem, so not to worry :tongue:


Seems to me like Sony should be considering doing a linux desktop, looks like there's a market for it...

Chuck is right in that it seems MS are canning the MCE.

If you want to install something that is equivalent then take a look here. It's a very good (and FREE!) front end for media centre type things, but you will probably have trawl around the forums to work out specific things for your hardware/software.

Kee-lo: as for a Linux desktop, I think KDE is already out there and is pretty damn good. Although I haven't seen a Media Centre skin for it.


Kee-lo: as for a Linux desktop, I think KDE is already out there and is pretty damn good.  Although I haven't seen a Media Centre skin for it.

Intradink, I meant in general, not just Media Centre.


There are signs of choosing the right direction: on the japanese site there is a portable "server" with linux OS.