
Sony KDL**HX923

Should i be worried, apparently complaints are comming in already for this new tv on dark verticle lines either side of the screen!, i have seen this before on the LG i had that went back for a full refund as it was the area where the ribbon cable joins at the screen for the backlight (could be seen from the front) i had 3 of them and the engineer said its not right, heres the pics of the Sony.

this was originally posted on another forum and the poster stated that this is reported by german customers and uk ones, however i have been waiting months for my pre order and dont have it yet!!

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535 REPLIES 535


i must have missed something here as i fail to understand your reason for contacting Sony Support in the first place!, as with all new purchases if its faulty the dealer is the first port of call, he has a duty of care to his customers and should have replaced it,  however having said that, theres no mention from you what exactly the fault is with the panel, the past main issues were of coarse the crease issue and the odd complaint of backlight. i do agree however that paying a premium price for a flagship tv should have a premium build but as with everything built on a large scale there are bound to be the odd few slip through with problems,

please do let us all know what this fault is.

The problem in question is that the TV is Sony. I had been doing my research to replace my old Sony TV. Finally I decided to go for the 65HX923 despite all the problems that this line had earlier on because I have a long history of buying Sony products of all sorts and I mean from the Trinitrons to Vaio laptops. I tried to avoid Sony Centres that were owned by Sonex since they were in administration.

When the TV came it had two white lines making a band of about four inches at around 29 inches from the border and dark band right in the centre of the screen. I contacted Sony Customer support as soon as I said that my TV had two white lines the girl said to me that the TV was within specifications and that she could give me the phone of the technical engineers so they could explain to me that the TV was within specifications. Even I was very adamant that this was not within specifications I hit a wall with Sony Support.

I also bought colorimeter and software to calibrate my TV. In paper is a good TV, despite it suffers from haloing, x-talk, DSE and some other issues, which I was not complaining about them, I still thought that the TV had potential and liked it in general. It is handsome TV at least when it is off. This did not improve my TV’s fault.

I went back to my retailer a Sony Centre which booked a technical engineer to come a see my TV. Intentionally or unintentionally they booked it with a company in Birmingham which contacted me after a week and a half to let me know that they did not service my Area. Went back to SC and low and behold they are into administration and cannot do anything. I was force to face Sony Support again. Eventually someone did book a technical person who confirmed that my TV was indeed faulty.

In my experience Sony Support only lies to customers and fob them off to delay and reduce any possible action that the customer may have. The only thing they are good for is for keeping people in the phone and escalating problems but not finding solutions. Sony is producing bad quality products and selling them at premium prices a huge far cry of what Sony used to be.

Is the HX923 line good? I have no doubt it is. If one is lucky enough to get the good one. Buying one of this TV is a Russian roulette. Sony customer support is lame, appalling and not customer orientated at all. I cannot in good faith recommend anyone to buy this TV or use any Sony Centre. It seems that there is a good probability that the TV might be faulty and that the Sony Centre would go into administration. After that Sony will treat the customer like a criminal for expecting than after paying 4500 pounds for a top of the range flagship TV this will work accordingly at least for a couple of weeks. This the sort of TV that if you are feeling lucky you should consider going for it otherwise steer clear. The number of people having problems is not small. Sony has been losing money for 4 years because they are not producing good product any longer.

Buyers beware, solutions left to customers try to deal with the administrator, dispute the payment with the credit card. Expect loads of grief, lost time and frustration. I never wanted to get rid of the TV. I had been in the hunt for the new TV and I was pretty determined to stick with this TV. After dealing with Sony I only have regrets and strong the feeling of not buying Sony ever again.

Hi sony_cust11,

noticed a few of your post on the forum so thought I'd try to help if I could in some way..

Can you let us know what Sony Centre you actually purchased your Bravia from please.?

If your Bravia is indeed faulty, which you stated has been confirmed by an engineer, then your first point of call should be the retailer.

However as the Sony Centre is now in administration you should now approach the administrators or as you have already mentioned contact your credit card company who are equally liable under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act.

You stated above that Sony customer Service arranged for the engineer to call, when he confirmed that your Bravia was faulty what further action was mentioned.?

Do you have a reference number for your call with Sony customer support.?

Hi Thalamus, thanks for your concern. I bought it from Gloucester Sony Centre. At the moment I am trying to solve my issue with my credit card. I have been contacting Sony Support and the only thing that I got from them was that the TV was within specification. I tried to solve my problem with the Sony Centre which is now into administration. The last time I called them I was told they could not do anything, so I do not think that there is much point in talking to the administrators. Eventually Sony Support sent an engineer to confirm that my TV is faulty. I did not want to get refund simply replace it for a fully working one, not a lot to ask for a 4500 pounds TV. I have always been a loyal Sony customer I have in between 10 to 15 Sony products, I even went for the vouchers not the cash back After all this I am just hope to get rid of it for good and never touch Sony with barge pole.

Funnily enough I thought of not going for the Sony but there is always the denial feeling of a Sony die hard, it will not happen to me. But it looks like there are good chances that a faulty TV would come near you.

Message was edited by: sony_cust11

Message was edited by: sony_cust11 adding text

Dear Colleagues,

I want to install install a longer power cord on my HX920. There is a rear door with a screw, and into that goes the cable. I've seen in some forum a photo that there's a normal connector behind that door, but I can not remember where that was.

Now I've removed the screw and still the door does not move. It has a small white plastic tab on top, and I've tried to suppress that with something thin and tried to lift it, but ... nothing moves.

Who can help? (= How do I get help on the door, not 'do not look behind the door'

a friend :wink:

Hi , just saw your post and wondering how the story ended!! I'm starting a similar frustrating process with our telly thats buzzing having had it for less than 1yr. Sony centre we bought from has shut down, no trying to deal with engineers who first agree there was a buzzing but now having tried to fix it twice are saying its a normal buzz! Any advice would be much appreciated!! I've been a loyal sony buyer for 20 yrs, but never again after this experience!!