
Sony KDL**HX923

Should i be worried, apparently complaints are comming in already for this new tv on dark verticle lines either side of the screen!, i have seen this before on the LG i had that went back for a full refund as it was the area where the ribbon cable joins at the screen for the backlight (could be seen from the front) i had 3 of them and the engineer said its not right, heres the pics of the Sony.

this was originally posted on another forum and the poster stated that this is reported by german customers and uk ones, however i have been waiting months for my pre order and dont have it yet!!

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Hi all,

just heard from my dealer, the new shipment is in and he's expecting delivery this week so fingers crossed, he will call me in to inspect it once its set up,

i will keep you all posted.

Good news, hopefully mine is in the same shipment (it should be)...

re Bravia55HX923 and others who expect delivery from the new batch

It would be most interesting to know if the new batch is crease-free. I find the creases on right and left, especially the vertical one on the right side, rather annoying.

The creases is very visible and very disturbing while watching football and other very moving scenes.

I would require a replacement/fix if the new batch is fault free.


Thats cool,

dunno if this is me or what but i seem to have lost the buzz i once had for this tv, maybe im worried that i will end up disappointed again!, does any of you feel this way?

maybe i'll feel differently once i have it.

Yeah I kinda feel the same...I am trying not to worry about it too much, as it just gets me annoyed! What will be, will be! :wink:

Reporting from Holland.  Had the 55 inch model for 9 days and have the crease on all 4 borders. They even cross at the corners and it is most evident at the top right corner. Sony refused to come by for inspextion and instead asked if i could send pictures. So i did and they called me back stating the creases were caused by the manufacturing process and they would not change the panel or give me a new tv. The rep stated that all models had the crease and if i wasnt happy with it, i should talk to the shop i bought the tv from. Considering how much this tv costs, i am inclined to return it and get a full refund. I am very dissapointed in sony and the service i received. I am to be considered an early adopter and for me to be treated like this even after buying their most expensive tv, i am shocked and apalled.


i got to the dealer and inspected the tv and can honestly say that if you really look hard you will notice this artifact down the right hand side, but you really have to look hard so its as good as it gets, i say this as i should point out this is not the only model in the 2011 range that suffers from it!! there was a new 723 in there that has it.

furthermore it seems apparent that this only manifests itself on models with the gorilla glass fronts and not on the ones with the normal fronts, so Sony's stance on it being a trait of the tv may carry some weight, BUT, since some of these did not show it sems a little odd.

i was about to sign off on it and take it home to see if this level of artifact was acceptable in the home under normal viewing which im sure it would have been when, WHOA!! the dealer and i noticed a tiny chip like mark on the edge of the gorilla glass and also the bezel did'nt sit right on the top right corner this also creaked when handled. appears to be going back!!

if it was'nt for that i probably would have kept it, oh well... nearly there.

I find that the creases are very hard to spot with fast switching scenes. If you have the chance, try some scenex with brown, red, orange, dark grey colors at the borders. It also seems that static pictures also cause the crease to almost seem invisible. Do you know in which month the tv you inspected was manufactured?