
Netflix not working

I have just purchased a new Sony KDL-46W905A today.  I cannot get the Netflix app to connect.  I click on app and it gives me error NW4-8.  I have been in contact with Netflix and they can't even sort it.  Internet is fine - just can't connect to Netflix servers.  Has anyone any ideas it's driving me nuts

178 REPLIES 178

Got a call from Sony. No help - they checked my e-mail address and then sent me a bunch of questions. Before I had a chance to respond they sent me the following:


"Thank you for contacting Sony support. We are sorry to learn that you are experiencing an issue with Netflix on your Sony KDL-24W605A.

In regards to your query, Please note that if the issue with Netflix is still evident after following the troubleshooting steps correctly, we advise you to check with “Netflix” support as they have further information about this reported issue and have announced it on their website. You may also try the below suggested troubleshoot steps advised from “Netflix” for further troubleshoot:


In case they have replied that troubleshoot from their end is now covered, please let us know and provide the below needed information so that we can investigate the matter further from our end with a higher technical department and provide you with the best resolution at earliest:"


So I contacted Netflix (can't find it on their website) and eventually they said :


"Netflix Ranferi

Gotcha, So this is a know issue with other Sony Customers as well , and they did ask us to team up with them so that we can hurry and get this issue taken care of. I can assure you that Sony's tech team , and our tech team are currently working on this and soon they will take care of the issue for us.


10 minutes ago Netflix Ranferi
I am going to send them your device information so that they can take a look at it internally.


10 minutes ago You
So it costs me money with Netflix and Sony while I wait?


9 minutes ago You
Sorry to be so stuffy but I've been given the run around by Sony for days, denying a problem exists.


9 minutes ago Netflix Ranferi
I totally understand where you are coming from , I would certainly like to get the issue cleared up with you .


8 minutes ago Netflix Ranferi
There is certainly an issue with the certain Sony device that are having this issue with the NW 4-8 Error code, Sony did ask us team up with them to locate a permanent solution.


8 minutes ago Netflix Ranferi
We took immediate action and we are helping them find a solution.


8 minutes ago Netflix Ranferi


I can assure you that we will certainly get this all taken care of soon ."
Why is my confidence level so low I wonder!



Got this off them today 2 times they sent it me ppppffft

Some 1 try this because I can't be arsed
Then post to let me know if it worked !!!

Dear Mr xxx
Thank you for your recent email.
Please accept our apology for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.
Please update the firmware version you have on your TV if needed as shown on the below link:
Then reset your TV to the factory settings as shown on the below link:
Finally refresh the internet content by accessing the Home menu then choose Network then Refresh the internet content.
Shall the issue still evident please reply back with the below information to investigate:
1-Model Number:
2-Wired Mac Address:
3-Device ID:
4-Current FW Installed on device: “Please write the exact version”
5-What is the exact issue providing the maximum details?
6-When did the issue start?
7- Post Code and Device IP Address:
8-Internet Service Provider name:
9-What is the actual internet speed Using ""?
10-Network Environment: “i.e. FTTH, Broadband”
11-Brand and model of the router:
12-What is the public IP address by visiting “”
13-What Troubleshooting steps did you try?
14-Please make a wired connection and advise the outcome.
15-Please provide us with photos of any error message or symptoms on the device
Should you have any further questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us back.


Got this yesterday in response to sending them the answers to all those questions:


"Thank you for replying back. I Would like to confirm that your case has been escalated and once we receive any updates we will make sure to update you. Your patience is highly appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
[name deleted]



FWIW I deleted the name of the support assistant as I think it's unfair to pillory her for Sony's failure.

At least you have had a reply, ive not heard anything back

There are loads of people suffering with this difficult is it to fix? Seriously!?


See this post for even more Sony / Netflix shambles!

Looking on other forums, the issue is only with newer W9 series TV's, one
guy had an older 6-8 month old) 46 " W9 and netflix works but on his new
55" W9 it doesnt, so how can it be anything to do with Network, router,

It has to be the TV

I have no words to describe this. That is what I done and they asked me to do this again. Also when I logged a call I gave them the details they asked mi for. It is like PING PONG game or play with time.


Thank you for your recent email. We are sorry to learn that you are experiencing an issue with Netflix on your Sony KDL-55W905A.
In an attempt to solve the issue for you as soon as possible, we advise you to try to reset your device to factory settings by following the steps below:

1. Restore factory Settings:
Press “Home” button.

Select “Settings”.

Select “System settings”.

Select “General set-up”.

Select “Factory settings” then press “Ok”.

If the issue with Netflix is still evident after following the troubleshooting steps correctly, we advise you to check with “Netflix” support as they have further information about this reported issue and have announced it on their website. You may also try the below suggested troubleshoot steps advised from “Netflix” for further troubleshoot: 

In case they have replied that troubleshoot from their end is now covered, please let us know and provide the below needed information so that we can investigate the matter further from our end with a higher technical department and provide you with the best resolution at earliest:

1.Device ID:
What is the exact issue providing the maximum details?

When did the issue start?

Post Code :

Internet Service Provider name:

What is the actual internet speed Using ""?

Network Environment: “i.e FTTH, Broadband”

Brand and model of the router:

What is the public IP address by visiting “”

What Troubleshooting steps did you try?


If you require any further assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to reply back to this E-mail.

Yours sincerely



Firstly, to BW944976, it's not just 905s. Mine is a W605 and I have the same issue.


Secondly, I had yet another missive from Sony today. This time they wanted:


"1. Please ask for photos of any error message and the available Apps on the device.


 2. Please ask for a screenshot of the result of location check provided by Akamai.


 (We need to check if it is  by on a PC or the device)



 3. When checked(Date/Time):"
To point one there are hundreds of applications installed as standard so to give them a photo of the full list would blow their e-mail limit. I know, I tried! They had to settle for the error screens.
I then got:
"Thank you for replying back with the required screenshot. Please find that your case has been successfully escalated to the higher level. Kindly find that once we receive any updates we will
make sure to update you. Your patience is highly appreciated."
To cap it all, I just got an e-mail from Netflix entitled "It keeps getting better...". You could have fooled me!

Been there done that no resolution


Last news from Netflix this time:

Netflix Sonia
Oh! I see what you are saying. I really think you should give your ISP a call on this one though. I can guarantee you that this will fix the issue. Hey, I would not want to waste your time to call knowing that would not help. Trust me, Just give it a shot and let us know what happens

 I do not know what to say.