KDL-32W654A only one USB?


KDL-32W654A only one USB?

In order to record from this TV; I recently plugged in a USB memory stick into the USB slot on the side of this TV (it was the only slot I could see for a USB).  I registered it to the HDD recorder and it works fine.  I then purchased a google Chromecast; this is a bruilliant piece of kit but requires a USB to power it.  So I ordered a USB splitter cable to enable plugging in the Recorder USB and the chromecast power supply.  However the TV will not accept a splitter cable being plugged in and displays a message stating that the HDD recorder will not function!  Looking at the spec it appears that this model TV (despite being an award winner, as I read when I purchased it) only has one USB port.


Any one out there got any ideas.  It's a bit annoying having to unplug the USB constantly to change from one device to the other, particularly as it set deep into the side of the unit and it is wall mounted.

Not applicable

HI there


You are correct.  Only 1 USB port on the TV and you cannot use splitters or hubs either.


An option to power the chromecast, try searching for 'USB Plug' on Amazon?




Perhaps a solution would be to get a USB extender; in this way I would not have to lift the TV partly from the wall to get to the USB.  I could then interchange between the Chromecast and the recording UASB more easily.  but if i put in a single USB lead; would this be rejected by the system as it is not plugged in directly?  Or is it just the splitter that's a problem?