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When forwarding received messages, how can I get saved contacts on the phone rather than contacts saved on the Sim card?

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When forwarding received messages, how can I get saved contacts on the phone rather than contacts saved on the Sim card?

Please, I need advice on how to get phone numbers saved on the phone up when forwarding received SMS or MMS! At the moment, I can only forward messages to contacts saved on Sim card!


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First of all do you have a mini or large X10 because they work slightly differently.  Why do you think it is only looking at your sim card?

I use Handcent SMS app and had to make sure that each of my contasts mobile numbers were saved first on their contact page rather than say work or home.  This took a little fiddling around with to start but it is only a one off job and once done all my contacts mobile numbers show up in the contact list when messaging. Don't know if it is a similar issue on your phone.

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First of all do you have a mini or large X10 because they work slightly differently.  Why do you think it is only looking at your sim card?

I use Handcent SMS app and had to make sure that each of my contasts mobile numbers were saved first on their contact page rather than say work or home.  This took a little fiddling around with to start but it is only a one off job and once done all my contacts mobile numbers show up in the contact list when messaging. Don't know if it is a similar issue on your phone.

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I have the normal X10 not the mini!


Ok thats good cos that's what I have too so I won't be giving the wrong advice!  As far as I am aware that whilst the phone will accept you copying contacts from your Sim card, after that it doesn't have the same function as one of the older style phones where it could look in both the sim and phone memory.  It only looks on the phone memory for the contacts.

So I have just had a fiddle with my phone to see if I could reproduce your fault and the only thing I can see is that a mobile number in your contact page has to be recorded as exactly that, not work or home or fax etc. I had previously stated that the mobile number needed to be first, but actually I think by me changing them I ensured that each number had mobile selected in the dropdown box beside it.  So you need to go through your contacts and change all the numbers that are mobiles with the little drop down selector.

I hope that makes some kind of sense cos its not tripping off the fingers very coherently tonight!

Let me know if that helps.

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Thanks!!! It's resolved with your help!!!


Hurrah! Glad you are sorted and also cos your query made me look at it in depth I could then answer another similar thread posted a bit later on.