MXTP created problems for me.


MXTP created problems for me.

I recently bought me the xperia M4 aqua dual and configured the Myxperia service on the device. After day 3 I restarted the M4.

As the M4 was started up the MXTP gave me the lockdown screen with the verify, wifi settings and emergency call options on it. So as I wanted to unlock my device i pressed the verify button and a log in screen for my google account appears. I use my google account on all kinds of different devices so I logged in. But here someting goes wrong.

When I typed in the username and password to verify it is my M4 it gave me a loading icon for 2 seconds and then it says "incorrect username and/or password" and my M4 stays locked. To double check if my password and username are correct i logged in to another adroid device and my laptop with no problems. So now I'm stuck with a brand new non working xperia M4 and my hope for a good working security system is all lost. 

Thanks Sony.

125 REPLIES 125

How did you do that?


Hey everyone, I had the same trouble described 3 days ago with my Sony Xpera M4 Aqua and I just managed to unblock it thru Sony PC Companion. I contacted the Tech Support online and they just sent me an e-mail describing step by step what you have todo and be careful about. They mentioned that this problem of blocking the cell phone and not accepting credentials was due to a bug but it has been solved thru a software update. The indications are in Spanish (my native language) so I just translated them as I was sent, sorry if I'm not clear enough.

Para hacer una reparación de software usando una computadora con Windows (To make a software repair using a PC with Windows)

  1. Asegúrate de no tener conectado el dispositivo a tu computador y asegúrate de que reciba carga preferiblemente que antes de ser conectado a l ordenador este esté con el 100% de batería. Ingresa a e instala PC Companion en tu computadora. --> Make sure not to have your device connected to your PC and make sure it's charged, it's preferable being 100% charged. Go to and install PC Companion in your PC. 
  2. Desconecta tu teléfono de la computadora. Ignorar cualquier instrucción de conectar tu dispositivo a la computadora hasta el paso 11 --> Disconnect your device from the computer. Ignore any instruction of connecting your device to the PC until step 11.
  3. Ordenador: Abre la aplicación PC Companion. entre en Support Zone, selecciona Iniciar. --> On your PC: Open the software PC Companion, enter "Support Zone", select "Start"
  4. Pulsa en Actualizar teléfono/Tablet, seleccione Iniciar. --> Hit "Update Mobile/Cell phone or Tablet. Select "Start"
  5. Aparecerá No se pudo encontrar el teléfono / tableta aparece. Selecciona Reparar mi teléfono / Tablet. --> You'll read "The device coluldn't be found". Select "Repair my phone/tablet.
  6. Si se te solicita, selecciona tu dispositivo y haz clic en Siguiente. Si no aparece tu dispositivo en la lista, ve al paso 7. --> If asked, select your device and click on Next. if not, go to step 7.
  7. Aparece una advertencia acerca de la pérdida de tus datos personales. Acepta que se sobrescribirán todos los datos, selecciona Continuar. --> You'll read a warning about losing your personal data. Accept that all data is going to be overwritten. Select "Next"
  8. Marca la casilla para confirmar que has entendido que se perderán todos los datos de carácter personal, a continuación, haz clic enSiguiente. La aplicación se prepara para la actualización y, si es necesario, descarga datos a través de Internet. --> Mark the box to confirm that you have understood that you're going to lose all personal data, next, click Next. The application is going to prepare the update and, if necessary, download information from Internet. (This step took me ages, so try using a wired connection for making it faster, it's tons of info downloaded)
  9. Se te pide que sigas las recomendaciones y, si es necesario, realiza los pasos pertinentes para poder actualizar el software del teléfono. No conectes el dispositivo todavía! Marque la casilla de verificación y haga clic en Continuar. --> You are asked to follow instructions and, if necessary, make the poper steps to update the software of your device. DON'T CONNECT THE DEVICE YET! Mark the verification box and click Next.
  10. Asegúrate de que tu dispositivo está desconectado de la computadora. Verifique que el nivel de la batería de tu dispositivo es de al menos un 80%. Haz clic en Siguiente. --> Make sure your device is not connected to the PC. Verify that your device battery is at least 80%. Click Next.
  11. Si se te solicita, selecciona tu dispositivo de la lista y haga clic enSiguiente. Si no aparece en la lista, ve al paso 12. --> If asked, select your device from the list and click Next. If it's not on the list, go to step 12.
  12. Asegúrese de que su dispositivo está apagado y desconectado de la computadora. --> Make sure your device is turned off and disconnected from the PC.
  13. Conecte el cable USB solo al Ordenador. --> Connect ONLY the USB wire to the PC. 
  14. Dispositivo Xperia™: Mientras presionas y mantienes presionada la tecla indicada en las instrucciones de la pantalla del ordenador, conecta el cable USB al dispositivo y mantiene pulsada esta tecla presionada hasta que aparezca el siguiente mensaje: La actualización de su dispositivo ha comenzado... . En algunos casos la notificación siguiente puede aparecer primero: Instalación de los controladores. --> While you keep the indicated key, connect the USB to the device (it's the volume down key... KEEP IT PRESSED!!!) and keep the key pressed until you see the following message "The update for your device has started) 
  15. Cuando se ha iniciado la actualización de tu dispositivo... aparece, “suelta la tecla” indicada en el paso 14. --> When the update has started, you'll read "stop pressing the key" indicated in step 14.
  16. Si tú no sigues los pasos correctamente, el dispositivo se enciende. Si esto sucede, desconecta el dispositivo del cable, apágalo, y empieza de nuevo desde el paso 13. --> If you don't follow the step correctly, your device is going to turn on. If this happens, disconnect the device from the computer and start all over again from step 13.
  17. Espera a que el procedimiento de reparación termine. Cuando esté terminado, desconecta el dispositivo y vuelva a encenderlo. --> Wait until the fixing procedure finishes. When it's finished, disconnect the device and turn it on again.
  18. Ordenador: Selecciona Siguiente. Si la reparación se ha realizado correctamente, aparecerá el siguiente mensaje: El dispositivo se ha actualizado. Selecciona Finalizar. --> On your PC, click Next. If the fixing was correctly done, you'll read the following message "Your device has been updated". Click "End".

I followed the steps carefully and it works. I hope I can help somebody Slightly_smiling_Face



IT WORKED IT WORKED IT WORKED!! my C4, yes my C4 runs smoothly, flawlessly, its fast and wifi works and everything!! thank you sooo much!! now i dont have to try to send it to sony to get it repaired! i can use my awesome c4 again!! thanks a ton!! it never worked before with pcc but that method worked! spread the word everyone!

when the update finshed, phone finished turnign on 10 minutes after i turned it on, mxtp lock screen came up, put wifi on, entered my google credentials, phone all of a sudden restarted and it works normally now!


my phone is not authenticating i tried many times loging into it with the correct password in is not working 

what should i do now???


Pleased help me my xperia M4 aqua i'm lost password authenticate xperia please help how fix solved this serial


Do exactly what's posted on this page.that long post. I did it, it worked. Just don't forget to keep volume button pressed down when you attach phone to the wire. Good luck!



I did exactly this and it was successfully updated but I still can't authenticate my xperia. I changed google password before I reset my phone to factory settings. Android has this new protection thing that one won't be able to access google account in 72 hours after resetting it. Is it possible that this could be the culprit why I still can't authenticate Xperia M4 Auqa?

Thank you very much.


My in Iran
Help help


Thank you so much! That worked for my Xperia Z4 Tablet. You are awesome x 10.


Hello my phone is protected. I do not remember a gmail account and password you were given. I do not know what to do