Xperia L touch screen


Xperia L touch screen

touch screen of my xperia L stopped suddenly and doesn't works anything. How fix it!


Hi @Parket, welcome to our community!

I'm so sorry to hear about your phone. Slightly_frowning_Face

Is the touch working at some parts of the screen or is it not working at all?

Do you have a screen protector on your phone? If you do, please try and remove it and see if you are able to use the touch screen again.

If you experience the same behaviour, I would recommend performing a software repair using Xperia Companion, do note that this will delete all data stored on the internal storage of your phone and if you can't unlock the screen lock there it's not possible to create a backup.

Should there be no change after completing the software repair, please contact your Local support team so they can assist you with having the device sent in to an authorized service centre.

Let me know how it went! Slightly_smiling_Face


the touch it not working at  all. I used the software repair, using Xperia Companion, but not works.


Thanks for the reply!

Since you experience the same behaviour after completing the software repair this sounds like it's related to hardware rather than software.

I would recommend contact your local support team in this case.

Let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with! Slightly_smiling_Face