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STR DN1060 AV Receiver - Google Cast Sound Field Issues


STR DN1060 AV Receiver - Google Cast Sound Field Issues


Does anyone else have issues with choosing a Sound Field when using Google Cast. Player won't let me choose any mode other than A.F.D (if you click on any other mode it says NOT.USE on the receiver's display). There is no output to my Subwoofer either (this is only in Google Cast mode). With any other music source the receiver outputs low frequencies to my Subwoofer in A.F.D.

This has only been happening ever since the recent firmware update on 14.09.2016 (M29.R.0422)

104 REPLIES 104

I definitely have output from the rear speakers. I'm 95% sure it's duplicating the front channels with no processing, so the entire soundstage is ruined. I'm casting stereo music from an Android phone using Google Play.


As I mentioned earlier, can't change speaker output via amp menu, on-screen menu, remote buttons or Sony app with the updated firmware.

Sorry, it was late last night, I was knackered,  my mistake I have multi channel with the rear speakers mirroring the fronts and no option to do anything with it,  to be honest though 2 channel is going to be just as bad without the sub so...


The easiest way to communicate our issue is to basically state we want the sub working like it used to when casting music from a phone/pc/tablet.  Or to state it another way, Apple Airplay works just fine with a sub, why doesnt Google Play when casting to our receivers in the same manner?  It used to, but the most recent firmwares from Fall/2016 have messed it up.


If the firmware makers could do a A/B comparison to Apple Airplay vs Google Play they will notice right away the lack of a subwoofer.  That is all, should be a simple fix.  I just dont think they understand our problem.

I have the feeling their test set up is using large speakers,  so those of us with satellite speakers are screwed while they think we're doing something wrong. 

Not applicable

Im going back to Sony in regards to this.  I will only post back once I feel the answer is sufficient.  Saves the hassle for you guys.

Yeh, they definitely don't seem to understand what we are saying, nor have they tested it.


To be absolutely clear:


*** We are not complaining due to lack of selectable DSP modes such as music, movie, pro logic, etc when casting ***


*** We are complaining as it is currently locked in multi-channel with no sub when casting and the FW update they have released, which is supposed to allow 2 channel / multi-channel toggling, does absolutely nothing. The toggling remains disabled as it has been on the last couple of FW updates. ***


My own personal opinion is that simply adding the subwoofer to the current multi-channel output is not enough. If you have your rear channels setup in a home theatre layout rather than as a seperate set of mains in a different room/location, the multi-channel output sounds awful as it's directly replicating the front output to the rears and thus resulting in a absolute mess of a soundstage. If the rears are going to be on and pumping out the same signal as the fronts, it would probably sound better in mono (and that isn't saying much).


My strong feeling is that if Sony are adamant that all output selection must be disabled when casting, it should be locked to something reasonable for the majority of casting applications - a stereo music signal (especially since the casting function does not include video). This means a 2 channel output with subwoofer dictated as per usual large/small speaker setup. This is likely to result in the best experience for the majority of people and will still provide a listenable experience in the event of a multi-channel signal being cast. It will, however, mean that people who have used their rear speaker outputs to instead locate speakers in other rooms will lose output on these secondary locations.

Still the same [edited]


Sell it guys! I just sell it


Buy another brand ...



believe me! They distroy SONY in terms of sound quality,calibration audissey xt32,SETTINGS... AND customer suport

The only thing which sony is superior is graphic interface...ONLY THAT!

Beside of that ..Now i have dolby atmos and dts x


And i just payed only 200$ more


Conclusion! Its not worth it


SELL IT! Now you will still get some good money on it



Note: Edited by Quinnicus to remove a profanity...Again...

You bought a Denon and a Marantz? You were that angry you bought two?



Nothing here for ages.



Lets all hope they don't ***** up the support for Airplay 2, at least for the IOS fanboys here.


Quinnicus said he'll get back to us when they get back to him,  so I think we're all just waiting on that,  I seriously doubt they'll support airplay 2 though if they've skipped hdr,  hdr is a pretty simple fix but they're just not bothered unfortunately.