BDV-N590 wireless issues


BDV-N590 wireless issues

The built-in wireless feature for my system is no longer working.When I try to use the wireless set-up it goes to the please wait screen then freezes for about 20 secs then it says a usb wireless lan adaoter is not connected. It seems as the built in wireless card might be corrupted in some way.


I have had the system for a couple years now, the first year I used the wireless connection and the second year I used it wired. I have just moved home and I need to go back to using the wireless network connection but it seems sometime during the second year something broke within the system as I know it used to work.


Just wondering if anyone else has had these issues before? Or has any idea how to fix it?

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Hi there


Have you changed routers since you last had it on wireless?


Try the following:

  • As a test move the router and player closer together? 
  • Turn off other electrical devices near by, to rule out interferrence
  • Ensure you have the latest firmware installed.  See HERE
  • Reset the player back to factory default settings and try again.
