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BDP-S6200 unreliability


BDP-S6200 unreliability

I have been unimpressed with this product since purchasing some months ago. On start up it takes several attempts to get going and display the content screen, I have to switch on and off again repeatable. After loading a DVD it will often freeze on the main menu and the disc will have to be reinserted to work. This is not a problem with the DVD itself as it does this randomly with different discs. Just now on start up it flashed HELLO repeatably and had to be unplugged and rebooted.

Is this normal performance for this machine or have I got a rouge one?

Any suggestions as to how to resolve or is it return to dealer?





Oh dear.., that doesn't sound too good!  Have you tried using the RESET feature yet to see if that will help? Likewise it's worth checking in the SETUP menu if there are any software updates available.


To perform a full reset please do the following:


  • Open the HOME menu on your BDP-S6200 and scroll left until you reach the SETUP (Toolbox Icon)
  • Scroll all the way down that menu until you reach RESETTING
  • In the resetting menu you will be given several choices of what to reset, I would recommend you choose the reset ALL option. Click OK when prompted using your remote control and then wait until you receive an on-screen confirmation that the reset is complete.

Test to see how your player performs over the coming days. If the issue is not resolved you might consider returning it under warranty from the store where purchased.


Best of luck!


The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14

Thanks, I had checked for software updates and was told I had the latest version. I have done a reset and will see what happens now.

Best ot luck!


Please keep us informed how it works out.



The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14

The DVD Player is still playing up, if only I could find that receipt.

Did using the RESET feature make any difference?


It might be worth running it again and opt to reset ALL settings just in case it didn't work properly the first time around.


Regarding your receipt, if you can't find it and you paid for your BD player using a Credit/Debit Card maybe you will have a statement as proof of purchase?


The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14

No change to performance. The device is over a year old now.  We do not view DVD's regularly, probably about once a month, so the inconvenience has not been enough to complain earlier. I just got fed up wrestling with the dame thing to get it going the other day. I only wanted to watch a 30 minute Frasier episode and spent longer than that starting up the device to play it on.

I bought this DVD player due to good past experience with the Sony brand. I have been put off for life now.