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BDP-S185 freezing when BBC iplayer is selected


BDP-S185 freezing when BBC iplayer is selected

Hi all,

sorry if this is mentioned elsewhere but I couldn't find it anywhere.

I recently bought a BDP-S185 in February 2012 with the attraction of BBC iplayer and lovefilm etc. And its been doing it's job wonderfully until yesterday. I hhave just got back from a two week trip and when i tried to watch iplayer it's caused my Blu-ray player to freeze on the 'wallpaper' (normal blue line bckground thing, but without the menus).

It wont respond and after quite a while will just turn itself off. Everything else works, and I've tried turning it off at the wall and trying again, a factory reset (though I think thats only regarding the settings) and the firmware is up-to-date.

Has anyone else had a similar issue and if so, how did you resolve it?

Many thanks

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When you say, doesn't work, what happens? Same as before?


Yes,  still freezes.

And just so I'm clear, you definitely carried out the above steps right? Could you try unplugging from the mains for 1 minute and then  trying to do it again just to check that powerer cycling first doesn't make a difference. I'll then feedback...


Feel free to tell me if I am doing anything wrong:






Just jumping on the bandwagon here. I also have the exact same problem with my BDP-S185. Done all of the above with no sucess.

Message was edited by: bigballs5

Ok thanks both, especailly ripilbe for posting the images. My colleague has pinged a link to this thread back to Tokyo so we'll hopefully have an update very soon. Apologies as we were under the impression that this workaround would resolve it/

Thanks for you patience.

The sad fact of the matter is that iplayer not working on sony equipment is a commonplace event, not just for the machines on this discussion. See discussions all over the internet.  I have a BDP S 480 and a good broadband connection. iPlayer worked beautifully when we got the machine earlier this year, HD was excellent.  Now we can get the iplayer screen to show, but it freezes at various places depending on how you try to get a programme to start.  No start buttons appear against a selected programme.  The only way out is to hit HOME and give up.  All other services e.g. channel 5 player work perfectly.

I haven't checked recently but my son's PS3 was also failing to play iPlayer recently having worked for 2 years previously.

It is clearly a software problem.

Hi Mikemcp  - ok lets try and resolve this. Worth noting that the 185, 480  and PS3 all run different versions of iplayer.

Have you tried updating the firmware and then running a factory reset on the 480 as this will flush any software issues. With regards to PS3, you could delete and then re-dowload the application on there. Worth noting that even if you do have a fast Interent connection, diffferent ISP's handle iPlayer in different ways and even if it works well on a PC, it doesn't always follow that the experience will be as smooth on other devices, as, like I mentioned, they are all different versions of iPlayer. So maybe test it out on a friends connection to see if you still experience similar issues there as there really are lots of variables here.

The S185 issue is quite unique and specific to this model as its again a one off iPlayer build.

Hi Catmambo,

I much appreciate you trying to help and I can see that there is a particular issue  with 185s.  So I won't clutter the discussion after this.

However I have tried a reset and the several other suggestions on the internet from various discussions e.g. changing settings in one way or another.

None work and you can see from the problems others have had (with various sony machines) that resets or other setting changes work or don't work in an apparently random way.

The bottom line is that I, along with many others, had a machine that worked with iplayer; and now I don't.  Somewhere the software has been changed.  Prospects of finding a fix seem slim.  

It is a shame because the iplayer was a major reason for choosing the blu ray player.

I have just bought a 185 and have the same problem after the update installed. However, I quickly found this forum. The fix from Catmambo on 4 Dec 12 11.19 did not work and neither did the fix from Carotti on 30 Nov 12 16.39. However, on resetting network to auto the BBC iplayer did work.

Hope this can be some help.