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BDP-S185 freezing when BBC iplayer is selected


BDP-S185 freezing when BBC iplayer is selected

Hi all,

sorry if this is mentioned elsewhere but I couldn't find it anywhere.

I recently bought a BDP-S185 in February 2012 with the attraction of BBC iplayer and lovefilm etc. And its been doing it's job wonderfully until yesterday. I hhave just got back from a two week trip and when i tried to watch iplayer it's caused my Blu-ray player to freeze on the 'wallpaper' (normal blue line bckground thing, but without the menus).

It wont respond and after quite a while will just turn itself off. Everything else works, and I've tried turning it off at the wall and trying again, a factory reset (though I think thats only regarding the settings) and the firmware is up-to-date.

Has anyone else had a similar issue and if so, how did you resolve it?

Many thanks

108 REPLIES 108

Have same issue on S185   BT internet provider  any updates from sony yet

Have tried twice to upload a shot of the screen as requested by 1st line support.  Both times they have stated that it has not been received.  Uploaded it to Flickr and sent them the link only to be told that they cannot access Flickr for security reasons!


I just spoke to Sony support again - I pointed out that the engineering team have supposedly been 'looking into' this problem since July 17th - that's 8 weeks of development time to issue a fix to the numerous owners of the BDP-S185 that have the same fault.

Guess what, the issue is still being 'looked into' by the engineering team and the mysterious escalation team.  No updates are available and no timescale is available for a fix.  I will keep phoning periodically about this to keep the fault log active but it seems that we are either lowest priority or this bug will become a feature of the device as Sony release new Blu-ray players and support for this one gets forgotten about.  Either way - rubbish customer service, most other companies would at least have offered to swap out the unit by now to check if it's isolated to a specific hardware batch.

Latest update from Sony;

With regard to the issue of BBC iplayer steaming on your Sony Blu-ray, please be notified that we are facing some technical issues with our server that is unable to communicate properly with BBC server, there is no specific turnaround time to resolve this issue, as our engineers still working on it. If there is any update I will let you know.

I am sorry I cannot be of greater assistance on this occasion, however I hope that my e-mail has gone some way to clarifying this matter.

Hi, Just bought the S185 and hoped the i-player function would be a real hassle saver - anything but!

We are experiencing exactly the same issue as all the above (select iPlayer, then freezes showing the Sony blue line wallpaper).  The box requires a full power cycle to return to normal operation - all the other functions work fine

see its 8 weeks  since the last post from Sony - what is the latest?

I bought one of these just a week or so ago. It's been great until last night suddely it began to freeze up it I tried to open hte iplayer app. Been using it loads with no problems then suddenly this. What can I do? It's the whole reason we bought this!

I've had a support log open on this issue since middle of August.  It's very evident that Sony don't care about resolving this for the unlucky customers who have the fault.  I would advise you to return the player to the retailer as faulty for a full refund before your 14 days run out - then buy a blu-ray player from a manufacturer who make products that work as advertised and have customer service which isn't completely inept.

I had a S185 which was great, iPlayer included, for a couple of weeks. Then it stopped playing discs so I got it replaced with another S185.

The replacement has this problem with iPlayer, the lock up until power cycle problem.

I have tried all the resetting, network refreshing, firewall turned off etc. but still no iPlayer. Everything else is great. I even like the quality of the remote!

Having read the posts here though I think the box should be returned and a more reliable product sourced to replace it.

Very disappointed with the lack of commitment on this problem from Sony. I have only had my S185 for 3 weeks and the IPlayer has not worked from the out set. Despite all the resetting the problem remains the same. All other on line services work OK. I am with Talk Talk who suggest the problem is with Sony and yes you have guessed it Sony lay the blame with Talk Talk.

It is quite clear from all the posts in this thread, that the ISP does not seem to be relevant. This issue is certainly a Sony problem. I am going to persevere in the hope that Sony can provide a fix very soon.

Hi all so following my post the other day I've contacted cumtomer support who were unable to provide any help and denied the existance of an issue so I set trying to find a solution myself. I've managed to temporarily find a solution that has worked in restoring my iPlayer function however I want to see if it continues to work before posting details. Hopefully i'll be able to provide a full fix asap however can't say fo sure if it will work in all cases.
