
PS4 competition



Hello, I entered the PS4 competition, actually won (shock!!).... So I sent off my stuff and I have not heard anything.


I have tried to use the "contact us" form but it keeps crashing out no matter which computer/browser I am using... 

Does anyone have an email address to contact them?


Thanking you in advance xx

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I hope they fix it quick, because it still says 'on going processing' for me, time is running out, and I cannot contact them 😮


Call them on the number I linked in an earlier post.  Have proof of purchase in PDF form and a picture of the system information page of your TV  that displays your serial number and device ID.





I will do after work tomorrow :slight_smile:


Any update on your end?


Yeah, they fixed it and I didn't win.  Knew it lol.


Hey ho, least it got sorted though. :slight_smile:


Hi All,


I contacted supprt (03304402060) as per Randlors advice. They have taken TV model, serial number, proof of purchase and confirmation of winning entry via a screenshot. They have now raised a support request to carry on the investigation and emailed me support details. I will post further updates to see if this sorts the problem.


Thanks for all the advice folks.




Just a quick update since my last post about "non compliant" status.


I managed to finally contact the CS via the web form after a few tries.They couldn't explain the lack of communication from the PS4 draw team. But asked me to send them a PDF copy of all my docs in order to escelate my case. A few more emails back and forth (between me and Sony customer service), they told me that I sould hear from Bravia/PS4 draw team soon. About 10 days later, the postman showed up out of the blue with my brand new PS4.


If you're expecting any helpful update or any kind of communication from the PS4/Bravia people, you're not going to get anything. In fact, the my status is still "non compliant" according to the website, even though I have already received my PS4!!! Contact Sony's CS however you can (phone, email, etc.) and they will look into it for you. Best of luck.


p.s. This might sound like a dumb question, but do you guys know Deveice ID is case sensative? Maybe that's why your IDs are not recognised.
Ex Commander (Was always on)

Well I tried yesterday and it only accepted mine when upper case was used si the answer would be YES.

Btw I didn't win 😞




Nico Henderijckx
(ex-Sony employee - fanboy forever)



Still no PS4.....


When I find the time I'm going to be in contact with Trading Standards and OFCOM .


Have run out of patience.

Hi avnuts, I really wouldn't take this personally.

There is a clear problem here with the system and its not just you.

As long as you have the winning confirmation email etc I'm sure it will get sorted. :slight_smile:

Have you been in touch with Sony again?

I have sent an email to every week for weeks.  Have sent the required info many times.  Now other than a reply saying they will forward to the relevant department I no longer receive a reply from said department.


Shambolic, Sony have run this campaign, without ensuring the required people/IT was in place.


I have bought many Sony products over the years, this TV will be the last.  I no longer have any confidence in Sony.