Problems with Reader Store

Problems with Reader Store

Last November I tried to buy a cheap book from the Reader Store to try out the library. The book arrived but every time I try to down load it it comes up as 'Failed to download content'. I contacted to reader store support and they raised a case number (3155). I carried out their instructions about reloading the Store software but still no joy. After numerous phone calls to the support centre in Egypt I was told that the problem had been passed to higher authorities. My suggestion that there could be something wrong with the book was met with derision and my suggestion that they supply me with a free book to prove that the system worked was also rejected. Since then numerous e-mails to the support centre have been ignored. I am totally disgusted in the attitude of the support centre and the total lack of response to my problem. Am I the only one to experience this problem.


Hi barmorga84,

welcome to Questions & Answers..:smileyhappy:

Hopefully someone from Sony support should be in contact with you soon..:smileyhappy:

If contact from Sony has not been made in a week or so then please let us know..

Hi barmorga84,

I suspect the book was corrupt in the Reader Store but could you update us on what if any solution was found by Sony sopport for your problem please.?