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Cannot open DRM protected ebooks in epub format


Cannot open DRM protected ebooks in epub format



I have downloaded DRM protected books and brought it into the Adobe Digital Editions.

I have then opened it into the Reader on the PC and authenticated the material. So far so good.

When copying it to the reader it is however not accepted.

Have tried to deauthorize the Reader device, removed all DRM books, rownloaded again to the PC, copied them again to the device, but no success. What am I doing wrong here? Any sugegstions, guides or similar available?



As I wrote on the other post, Adobe Digital Editions is not compatible with Sony’s reader devices as PRS-T1/T2/T3.
You have to use ReaderforPC(Mac) in order to synchronize PRS-T3 with PC’s contents (or other ways as Sony’s Reader Store, "drag and drop" Windows Explorer, SD memory card, other software as Calibre but only with DRM-free ebooks, etc)


You say:
“I have then opened it into the Reader on the PC and authenticated the material” and “When copying it to the reader it is however not accepted”
What do you mean with “authenticated the material” and “not accepted”?


I use this way:
First time
-Install ReaderforPC software on PC
-Authenticate PC with Adobe ID (prompted only if PC is not authenticated yet)
-Connect PRS-T3 on PC and tap “Yes” on reader device
-Install PRS-T3 drivers on PC
-Authenticate PRS-T3 (prompted only if PRS-T3 is not authenticated yet or authenticated with a different Adobe ID)

ReaderforPC info should be like this:


Click  on “Disconnect” icon


for a safe disconnection and disconnect PRS-T3 from PC.


After buying an ebook and prompted to download file:
-If ebook’s file is an .acsm file, just open it. On PC opens automatically ReaderforPC and starts downloading the real ebook file (.epub or .pdf)
-If ebook’s file is an .epub or .pdf file, I use the option “Save as” and I save that file on a PC’s folder. Then I open ReaderforPC and load file. (On ReaderforPC File-->Import file… find folder and file and then “Open”)
-Then I connect PRS-T3 on PC and tap "Yes" on PRS-T3
-Prompted from ReaderforPC to synchronize contents. Click on “Yes”
-When finished synchronization I make a safe disconnection.





Here you can find PRS-T3’s manuals and other info:

Non mi aspetto nulla. Non temo nulla. Sono libero. - I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.   (N.K.)

But how do you "Open" the acsm file, I'm intruiged, being Mr TechDunce, as I can't manage to !

If I hit "Open" it doesn't open, certainly not automatically, on my PC - do I need to download an application/tool? (Windows 8 by the way -hatehatehate :smileyrolleyes:..........)

Hi “carpetmojo”
File .acsm (Adobe Content Service Message) is a type of file created by Adobe
ACSM is a “ticket” in order to download a purchased file (ebook) protected/encrypted with Adobe DRM.
“Includes” link of server, on which is located ebook’s file, permissions to download it and other info (license, expiration time, etc).
Now if you want to see what an .acsm contains, just “open” it with notepad.
In order to use(open) an .acsm file you must install Adobe Digital Editions  ( ) or other software that contains ADE “modules” like ReaderforPC(Mac), or purchase a reader device that contains ARM etc.
Once you double-click on an .acsm file, you’ll be connected to a server and if all permissions are valid, will start “real” ebook’s file downloading. That file will be encrypted, in base on the Adobe ID that you have authorized your PC. Only the devices authorized with the same Adobe ID will be able to decrypt and “read” it.


Non mi aspetto nulla. Non temo nulla. Sono libero. - I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.   (N.K.)

file .acsm more...



After opening an .acsm, the “real” ebook’s file (.epub or .pdf) will be automatically saved on software’s default folder:


Adobe Digital Editions: C:\Users\[Current User]\Documents\My Digital Editions\


Reader for PC: C:\Users\[Current User]\Documents\My Books\Reader\

Non mi aspetto nulla. Non temo nulla. Sono libero. - I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.   (N.K.)