Play memories camera apps

Play memories camera apps

Hi. When i try to login to my account i keep getting a constant loop where I have to verify that I am not a robot and cannot login. Please can anyone advise. Thank you regards Bob


Hi Bob,

Welcome to the Sony Community.


Can you tell me if you are seeing a box on the screen with images?  If you are seeing this, there should be a message also giving you more information as to what you have to do to verify you're not a robot.


Hope this helps! 


Best wishes,


Sean Mc

Hi Sean.
Thank you for your input.

Yes there is the box with the pictures that you have to identify objects

Every time the correct boxes are ticked I am stuck in a loop where it keeps
asking me to verify that I am not a robot and I cannot get any further.

I am now in contact with Sony support who have asked for more information
like what system am I using etc.

Thank you once again.
Kind regards.

Hi there I am having the same issue with logging in. If I am honest I am getting ever more frustrated by the Sony web site and log on issues. 

Get it sorted Sony


Hi, i need download one app for my sony a6300 but there is still problem (on mac and also on win10 OS). I check "no robot box" but there is still warning: Please verify that you are not a robot. So what i have to do? I need it before i leave for vacation 😞


I have play memories installed, not used for a while but cannot import any stills to thumbnail. P/word correct & accepted

Me too! It's frustrating when you want to spend money on new apps and can't!


I keep having the same issue...its so frustrating!!

I'm also having this problem.


A6500 with latest firmware v1.06.

iMac running 10.14.5


Camera connected directly via USB. I ahve tried both MTP and Mass Storage and Single and Muli for both. I've also tried turning camera on before other stages, and during.


When I open PlayMemories on the camera itself, and try to update apps it asks me to login. I enter my details succeffuly. It takes me back to the app screen. I clickj update, and it just asks me to login in again. Round and round in a loop.


If I try via the Mac, it downloads PMCADownloader. I install this, restart. When I go back to the website it asks me to login again, I do so (correctly veryfying the Captcha)... but then it just asks me to download the PMCADownloader again! Yet again, round and round in a loop.

The website has content blockers disabled in Safari, and is whitelisted in Ad Blocker. The PMCA plugin is definitely allowed in both the System Preferences security pane, and within Safari.


What's going on?