Memory card recovery of data

Memory card recovery of data


Does anyone have any suggestions how I can rescue data (three pictures) from damaged memory card.

I have tried card recovery to no avail.


If the Sony data recovery tool has not recovered any data, it may be time to bite the bullet and consider formatting and starting again.

With a lot of free programs, they will do a real good job but have limitations. From memory, the link below was a very useful recovery tool which you could try.

Other than that, you can find data recovery professionals but once again, dependant on the extent of the damage or corruption, the results may not be sucessful.

Hope that helps.

I had a problem with the memory card for my camera. I came back from holidays having taken hundreds of photos only to find that it no longer read the card. I tried several other cameras, card readers, laptops, desktops etc, but they didn’t register or recognise the card either.
I called into some IT and camera shops in Dublin but after paying €25 each time to see if they could fix it, I had no option but to try elsewhere and had to send it away to a specialist data recovery company, where they would perform some physical 'surgery' on the card.
I contacted several places in Ireland and the UK, but their quotes were so expensive: at least €300, and in one case €600! Other places wanted to charge a minimum €45 investigation fee, but wouldn’t provide any rough cost estimates as to how much it would cost afterwards, thus leaving me totally open to being exploited, and being charged whatever they liked.
I spent days trying to find a place and almost gave up, but eventually came across a company called Recoverfab in Germany: Their prices are listed on their website so everything was totally transparent and correct. I sent the memory card on Friday evening, and at 7am Monday morning I got an email to say it had arrived. 2 days later they confirmed that they had retrieved all the data and provided a sample 50 photos for inspection. They were thoroughly professional and efficient in their approach and service, and would definitely recommend them! Hope this helps if all else fails!

Hi Jasper48, welcome to the forum.

The subject of recvovering lost/deleted files came up quite recently; might be worth checking that thread for further advice.

SmartRecovery was mentioned as being effective in some cases, probably worth mentioning here. It's free software, available here.

Hope one of the suggestions posted here helps you get them back eventually.

Good luck!


Thanks for the information JollyRoger, hopefully this will help others in a similar situation..:smileyhappy:

Also I'm not sure if you are aware but Sony have a free Memory Card File Rescue app that is available to download using the following link - Memory Card File Rescue App

NOTE - there is no guarantee that your data will be recovered by using this program..:wink: