HX9V Firmware update PLEASE!


HX9V Firmware update PLEASE!

Dear SONY,

I've recently bought this amazing camera. I've changed from DSLR, because the size and handling wasn't comfortable for family photos. I think You've done very good job with this product, to put in great features in a single device.

However, I suppose, the hardware deserves a new firmware.

The biggest problem is a noise reduction, what makes the details and colors of pictures smudged. It should be good to set the level of NR by user.

Another important and missing function to save pictures in RAW. I'm sure the hardware can handle this correctly, providing great images.

As I've found on the net, most of users and testers would wish this upgrade, to make the camera more useable.

Please, inform Us about the progress of firmware development, because I hope it worth to wait for a good news.

Thanks for Your help, and answers

Best regards,


Do not think that pictures quality is adequate to camera price. Pictures quality is too bad and If you zoom to 100% (for e.g. 10or16 MP) the pictures do not look like photos but it looks like painting (aquarell effect). It seems that SONY is not going to release FW to fix this so this camera was my first and the last Sony product I ever purchased.



It is the noise reduction that causes the 'aquarell' look at higher ISO settings in areas with liitle detail. The alternative for compact camears (with their small sensor) would be to have a large amount of noise (compare for instance with the Fuji Finepix F550EXR (which has a very similar specificatiion) on http://www.imaging-resource.com/IMCOMP/COMPS01.HTM (see for instance the 800 ISO still life images)).

If you prefer the grainy, noisy look that we all are familiar with from old film cameras, you could still add some noise again in Photoshop or a similar program.



I also want to ask for a firmware update that adds options for noise reduction levels or image compression. It is evident in all comments and reviews on the internet that this is the major problem with the camera. If this is resolved Sony will surely increase sales a lot (although the problem still is that they don't have enough stock to sell).


I feel cheated, should have bought the Canon SX230HS instead. Image quality on my HX9V is a huge let down - photos just look like paintings when you zoom in 1:1. There are many professional reviews on the net now showing this problem. Next time I'll stick to Canon. When is Sony going to listen to its customers and release a much needed firmware patch to resolve this issue?


they wont realease any firmware because they dont care. They will realease new hx models soon. very soon.


I was hoping the Product Manager for the HX9V read these posts and tweaked probably two parameters in the algorithm that does the compression and released a new firmware. Just out of passion for photography. Or perfectionism. Or excellence in customer care as Akio Morita always preached in the company he founded. If not, it'd be great if we just got an official posting saying "Sorry people, for technical reasons we can't do it".


I own several Sony products: bravia, ps3, videocam, dolby digital surround sound andother ...... I bought this because sony compact camera for me has always beensynonymous with quality and reliability. After buying the hx9v I realized that even a giant like Sony considers its customers only by number. This product has serious problems(raw mode, compression and others) when compared with other brands of cameras and if sony sees no need to make simple changes to the firmware as suggested by various users in the future then I will avoid buying sony products.

Best regards


Well, it would seem that all our cries for help have fallen on deaf ears.

I see that Sony have discontinued the HX9V and are releasing two more Cybershot cameras, the HX10V and the HX20V.

Both these cameras feature some minor improvements, eg resolution up to18Mp and the zoom range increased as well.

However, as far as I can see there is still no provision for any variation in compression and/or RAW output.

It would seem therefore that nobody has listened to all the concerns raised regarding the shortfalls of  HX9V, on this and other forums, which simply means that Sony are just not interested in responding to customer concerns.

Quite obviously there is now no chance on any updates appearing for HX9V.

Best regards


I think the fact that the new HX cameras also omit RAW shooting and NR configuration simply proves that this is firmly intended as a consumer compact, with the accent on highest possible quality with the minimum of 'technical' user input. The same point has been made in other threads (such as this one) that the target market for these cameras is point-and-shoot users with little need nor desire for a wide range of manual settings.

I'd agree it's a great pity that they appear to be capable of images to rival more 'serious' cameras, yet lack the controls to fully exploit that capability. However if you view this from the perspective of a manufacturer offering a wide product range, the obvious step is to look to something like the NEX system instead.

As always, the answer is to try before you buy, or at very least check the camera reviews :wink:




from swtizerland same thing,

please update firmware with better jpg image quality or raw mode !

3:2 image ratio will be good too

thank you to ear your custmers

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