HDR-PJ620 File Size AVCHD


HDR-PJ620 File Size AVCHD

Hi all,


Wondered if you could help here. I have a HDR-PJ620 camcorder, and use it a fair bit, sometimes to record footage which is of about 40 minutes in length. 


When I first started using it, as a file became 1GB+ in size (usually around 10 minutes footage) it would split it into multiple files of around 1GB until I finished recording.


Of late, it seems to create still several files "00001" "00002" "00003" etc however, they are of the full length of the footage. The camera is essentially creating multiple copies of the same footage. This is causing a bit of an issue when im importing the files to my portable HDD as it seems to hang whilst trying to just copy in one of the 4-5gb files. 


Is there any way I can change this to revert back to the original method of file creation on the camera? I am filming in AVCHD 50p.


Many thanks.