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Sony 55X850C - Screen Format: Full pop up when watching 3D


Sony 55X850C - Screen Format: Full pop up when watching 3D

Since the lastest firmware I keep getting a pop up on screen with 3D movies in the bottom left hand side. 


"Screen Format: Full" this is of course say it is using full pixel but it should not keep showing!


I cannot seem to find a way to disable this notification. It makes 3D useless as it keeps popping up! I even tried a factory reset to no avail.

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I have this issue too (on a brand new KD55X9005CBU with latest firmware).


Is there any point in me contacting Sony support? Sounds like I'll just get the off-shore helpdesk script runaround, but maybe I'll get an extension to the warranty too?


Incidentally I also have a couple of other issues - screen switches off on auto timeout if you don't use the remote for a length of time. I suppose I could disable it but that's just a clumsy workaround.


Also the time never seems to be right even though it's set to update from the internet.


Not sure these devices were ready for release just yet - more quality testing required, this is really doing Sony's reputation no good, my next TV will not be a Sony.


Don't contact Sony support as you will get absolutely nowhere with them. Take the TV back to the retailer you bought it from for a full refund as the TV is not fit for purpose.

We made the mistake of purchasing this TV directly from Sony and conveniently the online store is no longer in existance, so we have no choice but to battle with the useless Sony customer support.

Looking on the Sony website it appears that this TV is no longer in their current range and is being sold off through the clearance sale. This model of TV only came out in June 2015, so it is vey strange that less than 6 months later Sony had discontinued it.  




Perhaps if everyone complains about this TV and terrible Sony customer support on Twitter, we may get listened to!!


The only thing I've found that seems to work is to turn 'motion flow' off in picture settings. Sent from my iPad Pro
Not applicable

Hi all


Just to re-iterate, this is a known issue - which should be fixed when the next firmware is released at end of febuary




Hi Quinnicus,

Thanks for the info and link. I've heard that date mentioned before but "customer support" have told me they dont know when it will get fixed, and the various official update messages I get dont list it as even being on the list to fix for then.


Besides, assuming the info you've been told is correct, I know this issue has been around since October for some (I'm November) so that will have been over 4 months they've known and had to fix this! Why are they waiting until end Feb rather than rolling out ASAP, any idea? Imagine if that was a real world scenerio on a new car - "I know your car indicators keep randomly switching on sir and people nearly run into you, but I'll fix it soon, not sure when, maybe 4 months time ... maybe... if we can. Just be patient. In the mean time, have you tried folding your rear seats down, or opening the glove box. Does that fix it?"


I last read a date of 24th Dec but if that "fix" was released it never fixed it for me. Seems lots of people are being either told dates that come and go without the fix or the firmware fixing the issue, or have support refusing to confirm anything.


What a complete and utter mess this has all been from Sony! Not fixing is one thing but not caring enough to keep customers up to date is disgraceful.


Keep us posted please as another 6 weeks with this annoying issue will be bad enough but if that comes and goes without it being fixed, I'll going to have someones head on a chopping board.


I bought mySony 43W805cbu in August 2015 and like the rest I have have the annoying Screen Format: Full popup snce the October update while watching 3D bluray. I have logged calls with Sony and received responses from not a problem we are aware of, oh thats not right, we will look into it ... but I have never personally heard a Sony employee confirm when it will be fixed.


I had hoped the December update shceduled for December 23/24th (cant remember exact date) but sadly that didnt arrive, then to add insult to injury a firmware was release in the US and EU to fix it (not sure if its a real fix or just a supression of the message). The UK was then told it would have to wait until February (early or late we dont know) for the fix.


Today I thought I would call John Lewis from where I purchased the TV and ran through the problem. They called Sony and got the run around, then came back to me and offered a replacement TV. 


10/10 John Lewis for customer service ...... something I feel Sony need to work on!


so if the fix has been released in other areas, why can't we have it in the UK ? is there a difference in the units shipped to the UK ?



T he fix on the eu is a bodge job it turns off other functions to stop the pop up. I hope we get a better fix than that  Sent from my Samsung device

any idea what functions they are ?

For me if I can actually watch a 3D movie without the pop up then I maybe able to live without whatever the other functions are..

Just had the following response from Sony Support..

Thank you for your reply.


We can confirm that your case has been escalated for further investigation and you will be updated as soon as possible.