*** KD65XE8596 and Samba TV Issue


*** KD65XE8596 and Samba TV Issue



Last Friday I purchased and paid for a  KD658596 Android TV; it seems to be a pretty good TV but, then I came across articles relating to SONY TV’s, Android OS and Samba TV and, I didn’t like what I had read!  It seems that Sony are trying to force Samba TV and it’s adware onto the TV’s of their buyers!


In short, like many other buyers, I do not want to have Samba TV forced on to my new TV so, is there any permanent solution to remove Samba TV or, are Sony going to remove Samba TV from there products and, if so, when?


If not, then I’m going to cancel my order!


Don't expect anything to change. Many here have been waiting for improvements since the very beginnings of Sony Android TV in 2015. Things have gotting even worse ever since.


Sony is going a totally wrong direction, abandoning useful features like the Video & TV SideView TV guide functionality, cluttering the already slow system with stuff like Samba TV or Gameloft games.


Some guy found out that Samba TV is still contacting servers even after disabling the service, see here.


Hi Betreff


Thanks for your reply!


Well, after reading your input, it dosent sound too hopful.


The last thing I want is to have to spend my time trying to get rid of or, disable Samba TV because, after looking over the many coments from Sony members and, generally across the internet, nothing that has been tried, works!


During 'first time'setup, is there any user option to decline Samba TV?


As I said in my first post, my 65XE8596 is being delivered this Wednesday; I've already paid for it so, whether I refuse delivery or, accept delivery and try the TV out for up to 28 days, I have still got to go through the 'refund procedure' so, I'm thinking that maybe I should accept delivery and set it up?


If, after a couple of weeks I get frustrated, I can just have it collected by the seller!


My present TV is the Sony 65XE7003 but, whilst that is a good TV, to make it an affordable 4K TV for their customers, Sony removed around 6 to 7 top features, such as the X1 processor, super bit mapping and trilluminous display.  So it's now classed as Sonys entery level 4K TV.


The 65XE8596 has all of the missing features and apparently has great picture and performs very well.


Apart from Samba TV, do you know of any other issues with this TV?



Your input is welcome.


Here is how it should be done. However, as mentioned before, Samba TV will still silently contact their servers which is a big no-no.


My Sony Android TV is an earlier ATV1 based model which hasn't yet gotten the Nougat update (and therefore no Samba TV either). However, most issues apply to all Sony Android TVs as the underlying system (Linux+drivers) is the same. Here you will find my review of the software on those Sony Android TVs, together with a list of bugs and problems. If your only concern is image quality and don't bother with the integrated tuners and Smart TV capabilities, you can skip it though. Just disable all network interfaces and you should be fine :wink: .