KD43XF8796 slight motion smearing


KD43XF8796 slight motion smearing

New KD43XF8796 (same as 85 series I believe) bought for bedroom has some slight but noticeable motion blur/smearing on some images.  I have spent ages going through picture setting and have got what I believe to be a decent picture but cannot get rid of this occasional motion blur on broadcast TV both via free view and Sky Q.  It’s a strange one because not on all broadcast images.  It is most noticeable on HD  broadcast when a person just moves their head in normal but quick movements, but is not evident on live football broadcast. We also have a KD65XE9005 (2017 model)  in lounge which does not have this same issue.

The other issue with these Sony TVs is incompatible hardware/software, the TV has dual satellite inputs and I had a spare twin satellite feed into bedroom so connected this up tuned in and initially all worked ok, but subsequently all satellite channels were lost with a no stored channels message, it seems that if you want to use satellite you have to disable YouView.  We can receive most Freeview channels in our area but cannot get a few weaker ones which we can receive via satellite.  Not an issue at moment because we have Sky but if we do decide to leave Sky it will be an issue.  My other general gripe is the lack of quality smaller TV’s from any of the manufacturers, if the 9005 had been available in 43 inch I would have bought that (much better contrast, blacks/shadow detail)  Come on Sony please give us at least one quality TV in smaller screen sizes, that includes provision of adequate inputs because some of the 40 inch HD (not 4K) TV’s seem to have decent picture quality but do not have the 4 HDMI inputs which we needed.


Hi 20280370,


I understand where you're coming from. I've looked this up and I can see that you can actually reduce the motion blur on the TV by switching off the (Motionflow) on your TV. Maybe that could be useful. Here are the steps you can follow according to the user manual: HOME - Settings  - Display - Picture - Advanced - Motionflow


Also, I've checked Sony website, and there seems to be really good quality Android TVs in 43 inches. You can have a look here: https://bit.ly/2MyeULP






Thanks Vanilla.  I did have motionflow on TrueCinema  which seems to be the recommended setting for these current crop of Sony TV’s, I have now turned motion flow off so will see if it improves things, initial impression is a slight improvement but what I was watching this morning there was subtle motion blurring so need to find a recording on sky Q so that I can check effect of different settings, I can also compare same scenes on the KD65XE9005 which I can’t say I have noticed motion blurring on.  I wasn’t implying that the KD43XF8796 is a poor TV, it is not and probably as good as it gets picture quality wise in 43 inch TV’s, however in my experience it is a step down from the 9005 model.  Personally I would prefer TV manufacturers to focus more on upscaling the material most people watch rather than focusing on new technology like 8k, I mean no one is even broadcasting in 4k, and even HD channels are a little thin on the ground.