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KD-65X7500D playing 1080p from usb juddering issue


KD-65X7500D playing 1080p from usb juddering issue

Hi all I have a KD-65X7500D I bought recently, I noticed that when playing usb movies 1080p and some 720p through kodi or sony player, there is judder and changing motionflow settings won't have sny effect. Its like it not playing smoothly and this is happens in all players even sony player itself. Note that this happens also while streaming from kodi but netflix or google play movies is fine.Any one have the same issue. Thanks
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Hi there


Can you try turning 'ON' or set to 'High' Film mode in the picture settings.


Action Menu > Picture > Advanced Settings > Motion > Film Mode.


It should do this:





Tried this many times before but nothing hapens. It is o.k when playing 4k or some 720p files either mkv or mp4. One thing I noticed is when disabling the nediacodec ( surface) in kodi or enabling HW+ in mxplayer make flowmotion work again but the coulors appears washed out. Strange! Any one have this issue? Is it software or hardware fault?
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Hi there


From the model TV, you are probably in the US or Asia Pacific region.  I understand you have also posted on the US forums too.  Thus far, I have not heard any complaints in regards to your specific issue.  It could be that its isolated to you.


However the first two steps in the troubleshooting process is to:

  • Ensure that you have the latest firmware installed
  • Factory reset the TV.


In addition, if you are streaming these files over your network - have you tried a USB drive instead?


So reading your reply, if HW+ is enabled, then it works but the colours are washed out?  This suggests to me that you are relying on the TV to decode the files via software.


Also for MX Player:

What are the differences between HW and HW+?

  • HW decoder plays video(s) using stock media framework whereas HW+ decoder plays video using MX Player's own media framework. In general, HW+ decoder can play more videos than HW decoder. However, some devices may not support HW+ yet and some videos may not be played properly.


Use a program called MediaInfo : HERE - to find out the codec of the problem files.


The supported codecs on your TV is:


You if they do not match, you might want to think about re-encoding the files (Handbrake : HERE)



PS: I have moved this thread to the Android TV board.


Thanks for your replt First my tv from ASIA REGION. Whan I posted my problem there because sony website took me there. For troubleshooring I already done factory reset many times plus installing the latest Tv Firmware but still problem exist. I did mention in my first post that Im using usb drive but problem exsict with both streaming and usb drive even with sony stock player its there. I used philips android tv and lg webos tv, both have no problems with whatever files I tried on them but for sony its not the case. Thanks sgain

Hi all After spending many hours trying to figure out the problem I found a workaround. Just change the the vide view mode to streched or zoom or full screen makes the flowmotion works again and the video playback very smooth. Once the view mode change to normal the video playback will judder again. This is in kodi or mxplayer. In sony player, I change to Expanded from action menu and thats it. The video will play smoothly again and will interact when changing motion settings accordingly. This shows that it is a bug but I don't know how to report to sony support. Can you guys help.
Not applicable

HI there


Even though your firmware is on 6.0614 (i think) which is the same for EU countries, the firmware may be slightly different for your country.  You will need to contact Sony Support for your country.  If I report the issue from this thread to Sony, they will just reject it saying something like 'customer needs to contact Sony Support in their country region' etc etc.


For Asia-Pacific, see:



PS: Glad you have managed to find a work-around.


Thanks I'll try to contact them.

I tried to contact them but this is what I get

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could have been binned.



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