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Sony ilce-7sm2 version 2.20.In play memories camera app when try to connect into my account and after entering all the login data shazam!!! The Sony magick happens error. I updated in the past and buy but recently Sony decided to upgrade to an error like #902 that is noware to find what it is.
Thanks Sony for another grate product the #902 Sony magick #902
Welcome to the Sony Community.
I'm looking into this and will update you as soon as possible.
Best wishes,
Sean Mc
Hi anvryhemoroi,
Welcome to our community!
The firmware version you mentioned is not the latest for this model. You'll find instructions to update your camera to the latest version for both Mac and Windows PCs on this link: After updating the camera I'd recommend trying to do a factory reset (instructions here: then try to connect again.
Let us know if you're still having issues.
So your solution is to damage more my camera by upgrading to a defective firmware?
There are 2 things.
First you don't have a clue about the problem and you talk just talk.
Second you k ow what is the problem and you don't want to say.
Maybe someone from Sony will tell us what is behind #902 error, someone must program those numbers to appear so someone from Sony must know what the meaning of them is. I advise you not to give stupid advice in the future.
Hi anvryhemoroid,
Updating the firmware of any device to the latest version is a necessary troubleshooting step and it will not affect your camera negatively. Anyway, I was found an announcement made regarding not being able to sign in with camera's embedded Wi-Fi which could be related to the error you got. You can check this link for more info: