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GPS Issues - Android 9 - Xperia 10 Plus


GPS Issues - Android 9 - Xperia 10 Plus

Hi all, 

Anyone else having issues with the GPS on new Android 9 (Pie) devices?

I had an Xperia 10 Plus which I sent back to Amazon because the GPS seemed to occasionally and randomly turn off. I got a replacement (this time a dual-sim version) but The GPS on this one also sometimes stops.

A reboot seems to start the service again, sometimes 2 reboots are needed.

GPS turns off in 3rd party location app, Google Maps and also the Xperia troubleshooting software test confirms this with a red X.

Any help appreciated. 


No GPS issues on my dual SIM, sorry.


No such issue so far on my single sim version either. Two thoughts OP, what GPS satellite system are you using (depending on where you are in the world)? Might be a compatibility issue with one of them. If you're using the same as the UK (where I am), then perhaps one of your apps, possibly one that polls your location, is causing things to fall over?