Touch screen problem


Touch screen problem

I'm having touch screen problems. For me the tablet randomly doesn't recognize touches during the below instances. In all cases either going to the home screen and relaunching the app or turning the screen off/on will solve the problem. The problems occur several times per day but not constantly.

  • Sometimes opening apps will cause everything but the bottom android-buttons to be non-responsive. This can happen in any app it seems, including native ones such as Google Play.
  • Sometimes the lockscreen doesn't recognize touches at all.
  • While charging I've had issues getting the touchscreen to recognize, disconnecting the charger has helped.
  • Double-tap to wake seems to be very moody, sometimes working sometimes not. Sometimes it turns the screen on even by me just holding the tablet with my palm resting against the screen.

While not a bug per se, but the android-buttons seem very picky that you have to hit them right on the spot to work.


@Viciousgoose wrote:
I am also experiencing this one. It seems to be at its worst when the tablet is laid on a flat surface and can become completely unresponsive. I spoke to sony via the online chat and they couldn't help me. Has anyone got any closer to finding out if this is a software fix?

It seems that it is much less sensitive than on Z1 phone and other touch screens. I have a stylus for touch screens and it works great (I can paint on the screen) on Xperia Z1. Painting on Z2 tablet is nearly impossible. It looses focus.

But on the other hand I played a 30 minutes session in Beach Buggy Blitz yesterday while streaming audio to bluetooth headphones and haven't noticed any major problems.

For me the most annoing thing is total lack of touch response about 3 - 5 mm from the bottom of the screen. It means that you have to touch upper and center part of navigation buttons. It doesn't work if you try to touch them near screen/bezel border.


i am also having the same problem.. is theer any fix for it.. yet .. its so irritating at times.. come on sony ..relase a fix already


when is sony going to fix this.. they amdin and mods are not even replying to the touch issues..

the lte version has received two new firmwares but not the wifi ones


I've noticed this as well, primarily when using Chrome, the back and Home screen buttons can sometimes not respond at all and it needs a few presses to finally start working.

Gaming however, seems unaffected and these problems do not occur. Believe this is just a software issue and an update will fix it, however as customers we do expect Sony to respond to our concerns so we know it is being worked on.

Not cool, Sony.


Worthless this way! No response by Sony...eventhinking about returning the device tomorrow

1) Model: WIFI
2) Firmware version: 17.1.A.2.36
3) Color: Black
4) Region: Canada
5) Touchscreen problems: yes
6) Date realize issue: 1st day

Ive had 2 exchanged due to loose corners, and the first two have touch screen issues as well.


And guys it would be great if we can follow like XDA or post at XDA

It gives more than just saying experiencing touch screen issue and i know sony keeps an eye over at XDA. I really hope they fix the issue asap as I know some of us is getting near to the refund date or may have passed it.

And guys keep in mind that just cause they are not replying doesn't mean they are not looking into the problem, the customer service wouldn't be able to give you an answer if the technicians can't even pinpoint the problem yet. Anyway good luck to them and wish for an official statement from them shortly

ps: sorry about the double post, cannot seem to make edits through the phone.

I have the problem... doesn't happen all the time, but I notice it approximately once per day. Either the lockscreen won't respond or some part(s) of the screen become unresponsive. My previous tablet was Samsung Galaxy Tab and it didn't have issues like this, and neither does my Xperia phone which has been working flawlessly. It's a shame, the Xperia tablet received many tablet of the year awards so I assumed they'd be high quality. Well, otherwise I've been happy with the tablet, but the touchscreen issue is quite annoying so I hope it gets fixed eventually.

Copypaste from the XDA forum...

Model: 16Gb LTE (black)
F/W: 17.1.A.2.55
Region: Europe (Finnish Sony online store)


I too have noticed that the touchscreen is unresponsive at time on the Z2 Tablet. 

Get on your game Sony

i sadly have the same problem the touchscreen is very slow to press either the menu button  or home button you have to press it very close to the center of the button which causes ALOT of faulty presses and annoyance