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"welcome" message then nothing on rdr-hxd560

"welcome" message then nothing on rdr-hxd560

"welcome" message then nothing on rdr-hxd560


tried to email asking for help but the system is not "accepting emails due to maintenance"

tried to phone but keep being put in a loop

tried the community but all I can see is people with the same problem - no solutions!!


Does Sony care?


If Sony does not care - please can someone else offer some likley cure to this problem?


Many thanks.


Could you please try to be more specific about the problem? You have a Welcome message on the display and then what happens? It seems you don't get any image on the viedo, but on the display it remains "welcome" or you get the digita channel number or any error indications like E01, E02?

Have you already tried to reset the box?

I had a same problem. I took it to Sony service and they said that the motherboard was malfunctioned. Repair cost was estimated to over half device price (I had bad luck, my warranty had just passed). 


The thing i noticed later, if the device is in cold place (luckily, it was winter) it would function normally. 


If your warranty is still valid, take it to Sony service. 


If it is voidopen it and try to keep it cool (with fan or something).


Good luck!