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PS4 competition


PS4 competition



Hello, I entered the PS4 competition, actually won (shock!!).... So I sent off my stuff and I have not heard anything.


I have tried to use the "contact us" form but it keeps crashing out no matter which computer/browser I am using... 

Does anyone have an email address to contact them?


Thanking you in advance xx

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Got a text for a delivery coming today, can't remember having ordered anything so hopefully it's the PS4. Had to rearrange delivery for tomorrow though so bit more of a wait to find out.


Me too. I think that's it!
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Fingers crossed !!


Yep, that was it! All up and running now. Thanks for your persistence Quinnicus!
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Brilliant - Glad you have got it - and your welcome :thumbsup:


@doncam  Curious if yours was delievered today too?


I'm told a PS4 is indeed at my house now, so all good. Another tip of the hat to your Sir, appreciate the help following this up. Hadn't actually contemplated getting another console so a bit out of the loop on the new gen, looking forward to seeing what it can do. Cheers :slight_smile:

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Yay, thanks for the update  :thumbsup:


Happy gaming.


Hi Quinnicus,


Sorry to bother you but i'm new to this and you seem to be having some luck for others.   I too am trying to chase a PS4 that I won with no success. Won competition on 18/6, all docs etc received by Sony via registered post on 24/6.  Called Sony customer services on 0330 440 2060 as instructed on earlier posts and spoke to Vish.  He apologised and informed me that Sony are aware of the number of issues people are experiencing.  As instructed I sent everthing again to  I did this on 19/8 asking for receipt of my complaint, but nothing, and I have no faith in them doing so or receiving my prize.


Can you help?

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Hi Sven0914


Ive passed on your details to Sony for follow-up and investigate, lets see if they can find out whats going on.  Can you please ensure that your contact details are correct in your profile.




Thanks for your help.


Have tried a number of times to update details on my new profile and keep geeting "A technical problem occurred, please try again later"......does nothing work on this Sony site 😞


On well, as instructed i'll try again later.  fingers crossed.  at least my email is on my account profile.