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PS4 competition


PS4 competition



Hello, I entered the PS4 competition, actually won (shock!!).... So I sent off my stuff and I have not heard anything.


I have tried to use the "contact us" form but it keeps crashing out no matter which computer/browser I am using... 

Does anyone have an email address to contact them?


Thanking you in advance xx

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Your welcome by the way - however it has been a team effort in the background, so I cannot take all the credit :wink:


Mine turned up today as well:smileyhappy:


Hope everyone else who had problems gets theirs ok too.


Thanks to Quinnicus for the help and for the advice from people on the thread.





my ps4 turned up few hours ago so this is my last entry
thanks again :)))))))
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@Daniel_Hatcher  : I don't suppose yours turned up today by any chance?  :wink:


To michaledin:

Thanks for confirming!!  Happy gaming !


To everyone else: 

Is there anyone else that should receive a PS4 due to this competiton and have not received it yet?

Sadly not, still undergoing investigation. Glad to see others are having progress though.


My status has now changed to compliant but still no delivery date yet. Any ideas when I should be expecting delivery? I'm approaching 8 weeks now. Thanks
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Thanks ViperGRM - The last bit of info that I have is that someone should have called you on or after 11 August.  I have added that you are chasing this, on the original escalation request in the hopes it helps.




I'm still awaiting mine, was initially saying non compliant for reasons unknown, changed to compliant about a week ago after I emailed evidence, so judging by reading the experiences of others here I'm probably still in for quite a wait. The odd thing about this comp is it said if documents submitted weren't accepted they would write to you and you'd have 10 days to respond. That doesn't seem to have happened at all, I wonder if anyone not religiously checking their status updates online will miss out because of this. Bet Sony wish they'd never started this whole thing now :slight_smile:

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I have escalated your issue to Sony Support in the hopes they can find out whats going on - please ensure that you have up-to date contact details in your profile. 


If you hear back anything, please update this thread for us - If I hear anything, i'll do the same




Thanks for that, much appreciated. Have updated profile.