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How can it take so long to process a refund?


How can it take so long to process a refund?

Had my refund agreed on 11th Feb (parcel arrived with Sony on 9th) after retuning in my 30 day period, phoned twiced and been fobbed off twice with various excuses... yet here we are 11 days after they agreeing that I get a refund, is it really so difficult? how can it possibly take someone so long to hit a refund button, this is not a specialist skill!


This has meant I will never buy from Sony again, I will tell others including friends and family about how terrible they treat customers, this short sighted approach to try to hold on to my money for as long as possible is daft...


so now I am left with having to issue a chargeback, how infuriating and completely avoidable!



speak to a manager. should only take 48 hours once it properly goes through. They are usually good


Worst customer support in the world I reckon. Taken 2 months to get a reply despite numerous unanswered emails and unanswered phone calls and now been told I have had the refund some 3 weeks before I was sent an email telling me cashback claim would be paid within 5 days.  However they will not give me details of account they paid. Buying elsewhere in future.