QR code with HX400V

Is the HX400V supposed to be registerable with PlayMemories Home? There is a QR code in the user manual but no text around it to tell you what it is there for. I have tried scanning it with PlayMemories Home but the message comes up to tell me the device is not supported.




Mike A


Hi Mike,

welcome to the Sony User Community Forum..

Is this related to your other question??

Well it is related in that they both are to do with networking but one is about QR code (that square thing which surves the same purpose as a bar code) which is input to the phone by the phones camera, and the other is related to the NFC (near field communication) wireless connectivity), which is a ultra HF radio com.


They are also related in that I cannot get either of them to work!



I never have much success with the QR code (Quick Release Code) which is a type of two dimensional barcode & usually connect manually using the SSID (Service Set Identifer) & password (a secret amount of characters that need to be entered to allow access)

The guide in your other thread should enable you to connect your phone to your HX400V using the SSID & Password..

I have same problem