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purple patches at the side and center of the screen

purple patches at the side and center of the screen

the purple patches have appeared at the side of my KD-55X8005C tv where the hdmi/usb ports are, also on the opposite side of the screen and a small patch in the centre of the screen. been like this for about a week and seems to be getting slightly worse.had the tv for just over 2 there a fix or is the tv on the road out. any help much appreciated 


I have same problem. Tried all the suggestions and I talked with a agent from Sony. They couldn’t help me and told me to take it to a authorized repair shop. Unfortunately there isn’t one near me. Guess this tv is junk.


Just found this thread through Google.


I also have a KD-55X8005C and turned the TV on yesterday and was greeted with a great big purple/ blue patch 😞


I purchased it in January 16 so it's just over 3 and a half years old, I went for the Sony set thinking it would last well over 5 years but now after reading this thread the TV is now junk. Wish I had just purchased a cheap vestel set as tbh the Sony android experience has been sketchy to say the least and now the panel decided to turn it's self purple.


Anyone think it's worth pursuing Sony or Amazon for help with this?



