Problem with Sony W75C TV


Problem with Sony W75C TV


I need some help regarding my Sony Bravia TV. The problem is that my tv constantly loses its color profile settings. For example. If you set your TV to game mode (it doesn't mater witch presetting you use) and select to use warm colors it works fine until you turn off the TV. After you turn the TV on again the game mode is still active but it no longer uses the same warm color profile. It resets it every time to something else (default i presume). I already using the latest firmware and have tried to restore factory default. But this far nothing have helped.

Thank you for your support.

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Are you referring to the LVDS cable?  If so, i wouldnt have thought that this would cause this particular issue?


Edit - in reference to MiCal1967 post.

Yes this could be a software issue 100%

But when a command is sent from software to an non closed or not properly terminated line, then this is not stored. The case of hot or cold could be vice versa. This means that cold could be no contact and hot to be contact. A flex soldered on LCD is just a plastic film with copper lines. I think that there where other issues I have read in this forum that where solved with cable replacement.



Hi Quinnicus

Yes I mean that it could be the LVDS cable or any other flex to LCD.

I did not say for sure but just a thought that might help.

I can't find the posts of people who solved similar issues with LVDS cable replacement

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MiCal1967 wrote:

Yes I mean that it could be the LVDS cable or any other flex to LCD.

I did not say for sure but just a thought that might help.

I can't find the posts of people who solved similar issues with LVDS cable replacement

Ahh, i think i know where you coming from now.  I do remember that post (but cant find it). 


There are various cables inside a tv - but think your referring to this




Either way, i could be wrong - but still dont think its the issue :slight_smile:

I think you are in my mind :smileyquestion:.

I was ready to send this:


And yes. This may not be the issue. Previous was artifacts and solarization.

Any way. The proper investigator is a Sony technician. He will give the right solution. I hope people are inside guarantee...

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Lol - just putting my foil hat back on.  Therefore you can read my mind now :grin:

I never remove this ha ha !!

I have seen this before. Cryptic messages ?????

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I meant: Cant read my mind - typo :wink:


Any news about the FW fix? Been waiting for long time now and still no firmware update that would fix my tv's colour profile problem 😞

It's sad that I cant downgrade firmware to the version that didn't have this kind of a bug.

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Unfortunately i have no news im afraid.  Sorry.