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Display Area using a 4K Source. (XE9305)

Display Area using a 4K Source. (XE9305)

I've done a full factory restore on my tv. When going (Home, Settings, Display, Screen) I can no longer change the display area's for my Playstation 4 but can other sources. Anyone got this?




I can change the display area in 1080p but can no longer do it on anything displaying 4k?


With Sony TVs you can't change display area with 4K inputs.


It's strange because other TVs can... but Sony can't

Sony always seem to be one step behind when it comes to aspect ratio. When HD arrived you had to go back to SD to change the aspect ratio. Now with UHD you have to go back to HD (or SD) before change aspect ratio is available.

I think im running into this problem too and wanted to know  how I might beable to work around it.

  my issue is that I'm unable to change the display area settings on my  xe 9305's the options on my tv are greyed out and unselectable. the display area settings which are  accessed by  going to  the home screen and then selecting display/screen. On one of the fastest HDMI ports HDMI2 on my tv has the display area set to +1 which is causing some issues when I display content using Kodi on my NVidia shield tv. playing test 4 K and 1080p content doesnt fill the full screen and I have thick black bars on the Left and Right of the screen. I'm having to use a workaround in order to get both 4k and 1080p content from my NVidia to play back full screen without bars. the workaround is setting the display options in Kodi to 1080p. I think its due to the display area on that HDMI input being set to +1 but im not able to change any of the display options under that section on my xe 9305 so wanted to know if anyone else can and if its therefore an issue on only my tv.  plus is there anyway that  I  can  access  and change these options?display are hdmi 2.jpgdisplay area  hdmi 4.jpgSony support are pretty clueless.