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Remote firing of NEX6 bracketed shots

Remote firing of NEX6 bracketed shots

Is there any way at all to shoot a set of bracketed shots using either an IR remote or self-timer or Playmemories mobile?

There appears not to be, and this is a huge oversight, there appears no way to be able to take a set of bracketed shots without a high risk of introducing camera shake, because you have to hold the shutter relase for the whole set of exposures.

I even bought the Bracket Pro app, but even this won't let you fire off the shots remotely either.

Please Sony fix this in either firmware (preferable) or within the Bracket Pro App (pretty easily, I would imagine, just add a option for a 2 or 10 second delay after pressing the shutter to allow the camera to settle)

Also is there any way of introducing some more functionality into the Play Memories mobile apps on smartphones? I would happily pay for an app with much more remote control features, comprehensive bracketing and intervalometer functions.

The NEX6 is a great camera and it's a real shame it is being let down by badly implemented software and firmware.






I don't think that Sony will ever fix this in future.

Instead of maturing the firmware they release a successor to the Nex-6, the Alpha 6000.

That's the Sony way. Does anyone know if the Alpha 6000 has better support for bracketing?

I don't think that I'll buy a Sony again as they don't care about their customers and they invest

nothing in their existing products. Even a Bracketing App would solve this very frustrating issue, but

nothing new since months.


A frustrated Nex-6 user.


Reponse from Sony regarding the matter:


Thank you for contacting Sony Support regarding your NEX-6. We are sorry to learn that you have an issue with your bracket photographing.


In regards to your query, we confirm that the Self Timer and the remote control will not work with the bracket feature like shown in the link below page 71:


And in regards to the Firmware update for your camera, we do not have any news about a new firmware, however you can keep checking the website for updates.


An extremely deflating response. Apart from pointing out the obvious I have been fobbed off with the old 'keep checking the website'. What is the point in releasing apps if they can’t be frequently updated to resolve issues and add user-requested features. What a joke.




Sony, listen to your users! This ill thought out design is a disgrace.  Bracketing is the very time you need an electronic release or self timer. I guess the person who designed this camera hasn't a clue about taking pictures. If this is the way Sony want to treat their users, I'll be moving to another camera manufacturer when I upgrade.  In the mean time I have resorted to making my own mechanical shutter release, based on the Richard Franiec design, (unfortunately he doesn't manufacture one for the NEX 6). Made from Delron plastic it fits into the hotshoe and is fired by an air or mechanical shutter release.  I really shouldn't have to go to this trouble to make a camera work properly.Nex 6 Bracket.jpg


this is a major oversight. quite annoying for those who do HDR.

i believe the remote works, however, you will have to release the shutter three times. when setting the drive to "bracket" the camera will take all three exposures before resetting. so if you use a remote you will have to click the shutter three times to get all three shots. it works but it's not very convenient. 


so ?? have to purchase a6000 to have this feature ?

The short answer is YES!

The last firmware update is more than two years ago and there seems to be no update anymore for the NEX-6.

The NEX-6 is a fine camera, but it will be my last camera from SONY. Lenses are too expensive for their performance and user support is awully.

Please SONY, if you've forgotten this camera, then give some parts of the firmware to the community. I'm sure there will be some very nice enhancements in a short time.